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Superdial. O-bi mutaciaqo

24-to padmad video

i Tamàra- ¿Akate te beśav? Amen pinʒaras amen na?
o Olivèri- Va, tu sinan e Marikaqi amalin, na? ¿Avilǎn o aver kurko te rodes la k-o Statistìke?
i Tamàra- O kàko Olivèri sinan! Ćaćes odothe laqe butǎqe thanesθe dikhlǎm amen.
o Olivèri- Arakhlǎn la agore?
i Tamàra- Kòrkorri pesθar avili me bibiaθe, e Dudaθe, te ròdel man! Mislinav sas so tu pukavdǎn laqe kaj rodav sas la...
o Olivèri- Na, te merav, si jekh kurko so na dikhlǒm man laça... Na ʒanav sas so aves tu akale biavesθe.
i Tamàra- Ni tu na phendǎn manqe... O ʒamutro, o Tarzan, si me kakosqo ćhavo... ¿Aj tu, kasθar avilǎn?
o Olivèri- I Matilda i bori, laqi phen si prandime me momǎqe ćhaveça, e Simbadeça. Si odova ućo paś-o terne, savo filmonel len e kameraça.
i Tamàra- ¿Si kamermàno profesionàlo?
o Olivèri- Va, sar te na. Si les jekh studio, kerel buti pe rromnǎça. Vi oj si kamermàna. Sol duj realizinen reportàźe foto aj video k-o biava vi e Rromenθe vi e gaʒenθe.
i Tamàra- ¿Nanaj lesqi rromni akate?
o Olivèri- Na, si anda jekh aver biav biś kilomètre dur, laćho biznes isi len. But interesime si o manuśa te ovel lenqo biav p-o DVD, kaj te dikhel les palem aj palem. Na ćalǒn, śeral o ʒuvlǎ.
i Tamàra- Phari buti, sar organizinen pumen te ućharen odobor but biava?
o Olivèri- O manuś savo mangel te xal manro, musaj te ʒanel vi te miśkinel pes. Sar phenel pes, i cicaj savi daral te suslǎrel pe pirre, nane te xal maćho.
i Tamàra- Maćho konservaθar śaj te den la...

Today's topic 1 >>

In Rromani, specific grammatical features distinguish borrowed nouns (see padmad 15, topic 2) from inherited nouns. Similarly, borrowed verbs may be identified by means of their grammatical form, namely the component between the loan-stem and the personal ending: -in- after a verbal borrowing, -on- after a borrowed noun. The set of their grammatical forms is basically as follows in the O-bi dialect):
- with a verbal borrowing (example prandinel to marry [smb to smb else]):

active voice

verbal pivot

pass-refl. voice

present tense

prandin + Ēl

prandinǒv + Ēl

prandime (or more seldom with buxlo type adj. ending)

basic past tense

prandind + Ās

prandinisàjl + Ās*
prandisàjl + Ās*

- with a borrowed noun (example formonel to form < fòrma form):

active voice

verbal pivot

pass-refl. voice

present tense

formon + Ēl

formonǒv + Ēl

formome (or more seldom with buxlo type adj. ending)

basic past tense

formond + Ās

formonisàjl + Ās*
formosàjl + Ās*

Other forms appear in other dialects and this part of the vocabulary is very versatile, circulating quickly from one dialect to others – so it is not exceptionel to hera in O-bi loans like formozel, formosarel or formuil, which basically emerged in other dialects.

Today's topic 2 >>

All numerals up to six have been met in the previous padmadǎ. Let us recap and complete the list up to ten:











Efta (7), oxto (8) and enia (9) are borrowings from Greek and speakers of European languages know them through general vocabulary – for example octogon.