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Superdial. E-bi mutaciaqo

15-to padmad video

Ake e ćhavrrenqe xoleva – akate; te kakosqo gad o parno, o nevo, thaj vi o krem, o purano – akate si vi o bodlo e Romeosqo. Sa e familiaqe ćaràpe pe jekh than, duj màjce, de man i mesalin, naj śuki laćhes, ka buxlǎrav la palem andre. Dikh: kerda la tǐ phuri bibi, tě mamiaqi phen, vàʒe si sar nevi – dikh save laćhe luludǎ suvda upre... Dombin sàsa voj.
i Tamàra- Ćaćes, ko adǐves ʒanel te kerel gasavi xurdikani butǐ vastesqi? So te kerav e kurǎça? Vàʒe si kingi thaj phari.
i Bibi- Mek la an-i bradǐ. Buxlǎrav la me an-i najelin. Kaj stalo e śerandesqo fàkelo? Aha, akate si. Ake vi e Romeosqo hoodie thaj mo kardigan.
i Tamàra- Kaj kindan akaja blùza? But laćhe motìvora si la... o śarel, laćhe ranga – akava veś. Vi man sèsa duj gasave blùze, sàmo na gaći laćhe.
i Bibi- Anda la manqe tǒ kàko katar-i Italìa. Akana hurav tut sig te ʒas, akhar e ćhaven, te huraven pe vi von sig thaj te aven te dikhas tiraxenqe. Las i ambrèla brśëndesqi, ko ʒanel, śaj te ćhorel – dikh e marutha kale.
i Tamàra- Aven e ćhavrre, aśunav len...
i Bibi- Ah, te na abistrav, te kinav e Markosqe neve baskète vaś-o spòrti an-i śkòla.
i Tamàra- Kaj śaj arakhes?
i Bibi- K-o phuro, si les sa: tiraxa, baskète, mokasìne, krokodilesqe modèlora - raikane, si les sandàle thaj vi curùvle, balerìne thaj kherǎ si les...
i Tamàra- ¿Modèlora vintage si les?
i Bibi- Ka pućhes les kòrkorri... ¿¿¿ Marko, Romeo, AVEN TUMEN ???

Today's topic 1 >>

You already went through a series of possessives forms of the 3rd person (his, her, their) based on the corresponding pronoun, built up from its B-ćham. Remember: laqo kher, laqi adrèsa (padmad 2) and lesqo amal (padmad 7), lesqi phen (pamad 8). One may consider them as adjectives of the buxlo type, but you may figure out now they consist in the B-ćham of the pronoun + -qo, -qi, -qe, namely a possessive postposition, which changes according to the gender, number and accidence of the POSSESSED item. Compare (in light blue, the occurences of the texts):

3rd person : B-ćham of pronoun

the possessed item is:

sing. masc.

sing. fem.

plural (both)

sing. masculine


lesqo amal

lesqi phen

lesqe (ćhave)

sing. feminine


laqo kher

laqi adrèsa

laqe (ćhave)

plural (both genders)


lenqo kher/amal

lenqi phen/adrèsa

lenqe (ćhave)

Note that his, her, their is rendered in this way only when the possessor IS NOT the subject of the clause. In other words, these possessive forms mean always somebody else's item, and nevera his, her, their own item. This will be exemplified later on.
To built a possessive expression including a noun, the same construction is therefoe required: possessor (here masculine) in B-ćham+ -qo, -qi, -qe, namely the possessive postposition,

as highlighted in the text if you click here >>

kàko > B-ćham kakos + -qo [the possessed item is sing. masc.] in kakosqo gad.
kàko > B-ćham kakos + -qi [the possessed item is sing. femc.] in kakosqi adrèsa.
kàko > B-ćham kakos + -qe [the possessed item is in the plural] in kakosqe ćhave.
The feminine possessor implies the same construction:
bibi > B-ćham bibia + -qo [the possessed item is sing. masc.] in bibiaqo gad.
bibi > B-ćham bibia + -qi [the possessed item is sing. femc.] in bibiaqi adrèsa.
bibi > B-ćham bibia + -qe [the possessed item is in the plural] in bibiaqe ćhave, as well as possessors in the plural.
ZU Click here to practice these structures >>
which are by the way common to all Northern languages of India.
The order «possessor + possessed item» or «possessed item + possessor» will be discussed later on.
About the alternative long form of the possessive postposition (-qoro, -qero, -qro) see GR.
The same long form is encountered in the Kannauj area (Northern India).

Today's topic 2 >>

As a rule, masculine nouns borrowed from European languages end in unstressed -o or -i depending on the local vernacular: motìvo or motìvi, spòrto or spòrti, stìlo or stìli, modèlo or modèli etc... with a plural A-ćham in -ǎ.
The i-ending is more common in, but not limited to, Southern areas. Some vernaculars (especially in Bulgaria and Slovakia) have the endings -is: motìvis, spòrtis etc... (sometimes also -os). In some words, the o-ending prevails: plàno.
Accordingly UNSTRESSED endings should not be confused with the STRESSED endings of inherited words, namely masc. o (padmad 12) and fem. i (padmad 13).
Similarly, feminine nouns borrowed from European languages end in unstressed -a: adrèsa, śkòla and form their plural A-ćham in -e.

masculine in unstressed -o or -i

feminine in unstressed -a






avokàto [-i]





avokates [-os]

avokato [ne]n



In the sing. masculine the ending of the B-ćham is (always stressed) -es, -os or more rarely -is, while it is -ěn or simply -en in the plural. In the sing. feminine the ending of the B-ćham is (always stressed) -a, while it is -en in the plural.

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As mentionned in padmad 14, expressions of quantity do not use this construction but directly the A-ćham of the matter quantified: jekh gono kolombìrǎ (padmad 14), jekh muśtek xaben (here), jekh burnekh arro.
For local exceptions see GR.