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Superdial. O mutaciaça

4-to padmad video

e Tamàra- Alo, Mama! Tu han ?
e dej- O morri ćhej! So keres ? Sar han ?
e Tamàra- Miśto hom, so keren tumen ?
e dej- Khanći, beśas…
e Tamàra- Sar hi o pàpu ?
e dej- O pàpu sar pàpu! Jekh pàpu hi amen: thov les, xalav les, boxlǎr les k-o kham – vov hi…
e Tamàra- Ʒanav morri dej, ama tuqe phares…
e dej- So te kerav ? Barem hi les humòri… A tu, so keres ? Xav xolǐ vaś tuqe… Darav vaś tuqe, kaj han dur taj kòrkorre.
e Tamàra- Na dara, na hom cinni ćhejorri, na mukhav e ʒuklen te xan morri rovlǐ… Taj athe hi vi e Dùda lala.
e dej- Śukares phenes, ama ʒukela hi but aděs… Vi o pàpu daral vaś tuqe. Ćaćes savorre athe daras taj xas xolǐ vaś tuqe. Na pakǎs man ?
e Tamàra- Pakǎv, sar te na.. Xal tumen e dar taj izdran savorre vaś manqe… Naśtig urǎn tar sar o ćirikle, naśtig naśkeren sar o śośoja. So keren morre darutne manuśa ? Beśen taj izdran p-o than…
e dej- Na, morri ćhej, na asa pe amen. Naj tut ćhavorre, naśtig hatǎres…
e Tamàra- Ʒanav, prasa kerav… Ko asal taj gilǎbarel anel loś and-o kher, na ?
e dej- Ćaćipo hi tut… Lośavav kana tut śunav sar asas. Taj phen akanak, so hi něvo othe ? Aśtǎ, variko marel o vudar – ʒav te dikhav…

Today's topic 1 >>

verb > A-class > present > singular
click and you will see all present singular of verbs:

in yellow first person
in green second person
in blue third person.

click and you will see all present plural of verbs:

in yellow first person
in green second person
in blue third person.

You may notice the forms are very simple: all with vowel a instead of the alternance a/e/e in E-class verbs (this set of endings will be be further symbolized as Āl):












There are in Rromani altogether some 30 A-class verbs (list in GR); all others are E-class. There is no infinitive in common Rromani; therefore, the reference form of verbs in dictionaries is the 3rd singular of the present tense, which allows to identify if the verb at stake belongs to the E-class or the A-class.

ZU Click to exercise >>

Today's topic 2 >>

verb > E-class & A-class > imperative
click and you will see the imperative forms used in this padmad. Remember also other infinitives in the previous padmadǎ: aźukar!, dikh!, akhar!, phen!. To form the imperative

- most E-class verbs just drop the ending for the singular indicative, while the plural is in -en like the affirmative verb

- verbs with an accent (ròdel, vàzdel) use a final -e : rode! vazde!

- some verbs (to be seen later) use a final -i : ukli! climb, go up!

- A-class verbs just end with the -a- of the ending for the singular indicative, while the plural is in -an like the affirmative verb: dara be afraid! asa! laugh!

The word for interdiction is ma (don't in forbidding):


na aźukar! don't wait!

na dikh! don't look!

na asa! don't laugh!


na aźukaren! don't wait!

na dikhen! don't look!

na asan! don't laugh!

Idioms and proverbs >>

a) to express that one person (more seldom a thing) remains changeless, one says:
thov les, xalav les, boxlǎr les k-o kham – vov hi lo
thov la, xelar la, boxlǎr la k-o kham – voj hi lǐ.
b) I can manage with intruders is rendered by na mukhav e ʒuklen te xan morri rovlǐ.