nom d'accès
mot de passe
se connecter

Superdial. O mutaciaça

10-to padmad video

e lala- Vi ćaćes, hi len and-o rat pakǎv... Meren te oven urade, laćharde, morrade, hulade ʒi k-o palutno bal...
e Tamàra- Ami tu, na han vi tu andar jekh rat lença? ¿Phires tu and-o foro biuradi sar babùtka, bilaćhardi, bihuladi taj vi bimakhli? Sar śaj kuśkeres len? A paleś ćaćo-j: o kuślo kuśel tut aděs...
e lala- Na kuśkerav len, me ʒullǐ hom... Aver hi e ʒullǐ, aver hi o murś... Sar te ovel, kerav sar kamav, naj te pućhav tumen. Taj naj te beśas athe sorro děs. Phendǒm tumenqe so o śudrarno ćhućho-j, hi te pheras les kaj te ovel pherdo...
e Tamàra- Kaj kames te ʒas maj anglal aděs: k-o xaben vaj te ʒas te kinas tiraxa e ćhavorrenqe? Te kamlǎn, ʒas k-o Letapokin: hi vi xaben taj vi tiraxa taj gada.
e lala- Na, xaben kinav k-o pazàri, phendǒm tuqe, taj k-o Letapokin naj laćho mangin, hi sa kathar-e Kìna: aděs kindo, tehe vaj over tehe pharrado... Na hom kasavi barvalǐ, ka te kinav bikuć.
e Tamàra- Taj vi tu aćhilǎn palal! Sa hi aděs kerdo te na ʒuvel but taj te kines paleś taj paleś... Kin kaj te kames, naśtig pinʒares so hi laćho, so hi devruś.
e lala- Paleś, hi man pinʒardo gaʒo, o tiraxno pal-e khangeri, hi but berś so bikinel manqe laćhe tiraxa, śuźe, zurale, bixoxavde, sar kamav me.
e Tamàra- Morri kamlǐ lala, anda jekh aver sundal ʒuves. Akanak sa ʒal tar, urǎl, pft naśel sar e balval... taj vi maj sig...

Today's topic 1 >>

verb > PPP
E-class verbs generate a specific form, called verbal pivot, with very extensive fonctions in Rromani.

Click here to highlight the verbal pivots in today's text >>

The main function of this form is the equivalent of English participle:
kinel to buy > kindo bought
dikhel to see > dikhlo seen.
Note that there is no infinitive (the English to-form) in Rromani and that the "quoting (or dictionary) form" of the verb is the 3rd person singular of its present tense.
The verbal pivot is coined in the following way:

state of the verb

d after verb stems
ending in -l, -n, -r, -v

ending of the boxlo type adjective

l after verb stems
ending in -s, , -m, -k, -kh, , -ćh

Switch to the exercise on ZU and form as many verbal pivots as you can !
Note that the verbal pivot may be used as a noun: o kuślo the one who is/has been blamed, e kamlǐ the beloved (female), duj ćalavde two persons who are struck (and therefore stupid).

Today's topic 2 >>

The negative prefix bi-
a) it can be used with a handfull of adjectives to express their contrary:
laćho good > bilaćho bad
kuć expensive (sometimes dear; late, deceased among Sinte) > bikuć cheap
xor deep > bixor shallow
uźo pure (of water, flour) > biuźo impure (also an euphemism for Beng the Devil).
b) it is very often used with verbal pivots to express their contrary:
morravel to shave > morravdo shaved > bimorravdo unshaved
xanel to comb > xando combed > bixando not combed (rather than uncombed)
urǎvel to dress > urǎvdo dressed > biurǎvdo not dressed (rather than undressed)
kamel to want, to love > kamlo beloved > bikamlo unwanted, disliked.

Idioms and proverbs >>

The proverb o kuślo kuśel tut aděs means that persons doing wrong are [today] the first ones to blame others.
Hi len and-o rat & andar jekh rat lença : the word rat blood is used colloquially and metaphorically for (extended) family, tribe, nation, atavism or race in its trivial meaning, whereas the word ràsa is used in a political context for the last meaning.