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Superdial. O-bi mutaciaqo

33-to padmad video

i Tamàra- ¿Pakǎs tu so si laćhi idèa? o Olivèri- Va, aj te keres buti anda jekh gaʒikani redàkcia, so te ovel: gazèta, televìzia, ràdio... O laćheder drom kaj te lestravdǒvas katar-o bangipen, si te siklǒn o gaʒe te dikhen amen sar manuśa barabara e avere naciençar and-i Evròpa. Na sar o melalo kotor lenqe nacienqo, tok sar jekh sel, savi nakhlǎs so nakhlǎs and-i Història, andǎs so andǎs and-o sundal thaj akana kamel te ʒivel normal sa e averençar – dur e ʒungale karikaturaθar so śaj dikhes aj śunes sathane.
i Tamàra- Thaj o mèdia śaj te pheren lenqi godi?
o Olivèri- O mèdia, i śkòla, o dombipen thaj o humòri si amari elpin. Maśkar 20-30 gaʒe, śaj te oven jekh ja duj save naśti biran amen, si len bari xir – o beng ʒanel sosθar... jekh ja duj avera save but kamen amen, vi kana na pinʒaren amen śukar – plaćal lenqe jekh figùra, śaj jekh egzotìka, śaj avel len źal – ama sa o avera na kamen te ʒanen kon isinam... Ʒal lenqi godi amenθe sadaj kana śunen vareso aj kasθar śunen? Katar-o mèdia.
i Tamàra- Ververa si o mèdia, isi so kuśkeren amen, avera save ròden jekh ćaćipen, buter lekhavkeren bi agoresqo purane stereotìpǎ.
o Olivèri- Odolesθar phenav so ovel sas śukar te keren buti rromane ćhave aj ćhia anda lenqe redàkcie, na te len pumen e rromane temaça, nanaj sosθar, sadaj te putren e gaʒenqe jakha beśindoj lençar, piindoj kàfa aj kerindoj pherǎsa lençar... dives pal-o dives, vakerindoj sar amala, na bare mujeça.
i Tamàra- Aj tu pakǎs so ka śunen?
o Olivèri- Nanaj so te śunen, tok te dikhen. Te avile bokhale te siklǒn – te na savorre, barem dopaś lenθar, ka pućhkeren e Rromen, ka arakhen nevimàta, lenqe śukar. Akhǎl śaj te paruvas vi o mèdia, aj vi prdal lenθe odola 95% e manuśenθar: kana te den godi pal-amenθe, te oven len duśle ćaće noja a na bilonde stereotìpǎ.

Today's topic 1 >>

Like other Northern Indian languages, Rromani has a specific form expressing the frequent/endless repetition of an action. It is coined, like in Hindi, by means of the verb kerel added to the stem of the main verb: pućhel > pućh- > pućhkerel to keep questioning; cf. kuśkerel, kinkerel, phirkerel, markerel, khelkerel, sovkerel, xoxavkerel, lekhavkerel etc. More details on GR.
These forms are mainly used in the Balkan and the Carpathian area. They are never imposed by rules of grammar but their use is left to the speaker's decision in a concrete situation. This lead to their extinction in various vernaculars. Nonetheless it is important to use them as widely as possible – notable instead of of using the adverbs often, frequently, repeatedly, due to it almost uniqueness among modern European languages (except Hungarian). Click here ZU to practice this very special form.

Today's topic 2 >>

Padmad 17 disclosed the fondamental split of tenses in Rromani, between constatative and projective tenses, namely:
- on yellow background: present and past tenses – refering to actions which exist or have existed;
- whereas on blue background: non-existing actions – those in the future or in an alternative hypothetic world. To express these, Rromani uses particles in front of the basic form of the verb (present tense): śaj [te], naśti [te], si te (to express a likely future), simply te (to express a wish) or ka (to express a future similar to this of European languages).
This Balkan future was coined out of the verb to want (kamel [te] > ka, locally kam in Bulgaria but also in E-mu dialects), in the same manner as Persian and Balkan languages when speakers of proto-Rromani discovered this grammatical category in contact with Persian, Greek and later Balkan languages (for more details and about the use of this particle in other dialects than the Balkan varieties of o Olivèri-bi, click on GR).
Yet there was in Rromani a genuine particle, a – put at the end of verbs and which probably expressed doubt and uncertainty in old Rromani. Postponed to the present tense of verbs, it renders now the meaning of future to the North of the area of ka, kam.
Amazing enought, the particle a is commonly added to the present tense of verbs in the ka, kam area. It is then voided of its meaning of doubt and uncertainty, becoming a simple part of the present tense ending: -àva, -èsa, -èla, -àsa, -èna, -èna.
As a rule the final particle a doesn't appear in projective constructions (non-existing actions, future, supposition etc.) – exceptions in next padmad.

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The verb pherel is used in various expressions: pherel i godi to convince (pherdi lesqi/laqi godi so... s/he is convinced that...); pherel i jakh to please (by beautiful aspect), pherel o kan to please (by a delightful sound). Bilondo qualifies something stale, tasteless, worthless. Zumi bilondi overweening girl.