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Superdial. O-bi mutaciaqo

30-to padmad video

30- i Tamàra- Devl!a, kaj siklilǎn sa akala butǎ? Si ćaćutni politìka! Phen manqe: ¿tu pakǎs so si drom avri katar-i situàcia?
o Olivèri- Va, pakǎv so isi. Politìka isi, ćaćes, sadaj na sar odolenqi save den muj aj kuśen, sadaj kaj te sikaven so si len ćaćipen, na te federǎren i situàcia. Kas interesinel, kon si godǎver aj kon nane ? Kas interesinel avdives... aj kas si te interesinel pal-o berśa ? I politìka nane te vàzdes to ego kaj te sikaves e sundalesqe so si tut ćaćipen, so sinan o laćheder, o godǎvereder. Si te rodes, sar phenel o Rajko, odova tang drom maśkar-o śaj thaj o musaj... kaj te federǎres savorrenqe o ʒivipen .
i Tamàra- Maśkar-o śaj thaj o musaj...
o Olivèri- Va, nane te rodes e averenqi doś and-o nakhlipen aj te kuśes: "so kerden tumen amenqe!" Ker avdives so si tut k-o vast... I doś na del tut manro. Dikh, i ćhavri and-o anro na ròdel kon phandlǎs la andre aj kon si dośalo, del pes zor te iklǒl aj marel pe xoingeça te pharravel i cìpa... So nakhlo nakhlo, dikh anglal.
i Tamàra- Aj kòrkorri phendǎn so i història si vasni?
o Olivèri- Vasni si te xalǒvas savo mexanìsmo andǎs i akanutni situàcia, na te ròdes doś ja xoli...
[o telefòni baśel]
Ah ma xolanǒ...
Va, ah tu sinan! Te oves baxtalo... Va, k-o biav isinom, e Mandisqo biav, phendǒm tuqe so lel borǎ pe ćhavesqe. Na, but śukar... ¿¿Śunes?? Ah, va, sa manele aj ćàlga... Keren pumari zèvka o manelìstǎ ! Baśalde e xenamikenqo hòro, e borǎqo hòro, pal-i tradìcia – aj pal-odova sa manele, manele...

Today's topic 1 >>

The Rromani definite article has four main fonctions in Rromani:
1) it is used to single out a noun for various reasons:
- because it refers to something unique: o kham tatǎrel amen.
- because reference has already been done earlier to the given item: Sine thaj na sine jekh ruv aj jekh ʒukel; jekh dives o ruv phendǎs e ʒuklesqe...
- because the item mentionned is specified in some way further in the sentence: o baśalno, savo beśel paś-o xenamik, si but śundo; o pustika, avridine pal-o Rroma and-o nakhle śeliberśa, si pherde stereotìpǎ.
- because it presents/identifies one or several persons: ov si o xenamik; in this fonction is may be used also with adjectives: phares te phenes kon si o dilo aj kon si o godǎver.
- because it refers to a general concept: i bokh i kali xal i pativ.
- because it symbolizes a whole category: o sap [= sarkon sap] pi morthi paruvel, po viś na paruvel.
2) it is used with all categories of proper names and it is then compulsory: o Dorav, i Evròpa, i Matìlda (true enough there is one Danube, one Europe but there may be several Matilda).
3) its creates a noun out of any other kind of words: śaj and musaj are projective words but they become nouns in the phrase maśkar-o śaj thaj o musaj. Similarly when preceded by the definite article, the interrogative form sosqe (var. sosθar) becomes a noun: o sosqe/sosθar mulo (to express that many things happen without any clear reason). The saying o feder peravel/xatarel o śukar, with two adjectives turned into nouns, renders the perfect is the enemy of the good or leave well enough alone. It may be used also with foreign words, which are basically not nouns: o ego si zoralo diktatòri. In these cases, the article is aways masculine.
4) it makes a superlative out of a comparative adjective: o laćheder, o godǎvereder (cf. padmad 18).
5) in some cases, it allows to distinguish homonyms which differ in gender: o rat/i rat; o samaj/i samaj; o xenamik/i xenamik.