प्रस्तावना = Introduction
Great, you have selected HINDI [.hi] as your auxiliary language. At anytime you may modify your choice by clicking in the appropriate area of the Welcome Map.
The course is built up in three main parts:
- an introduction which will guide you how to progress in the best possible way;
- three levels in Rromani language, made up of 35 units each and devoted to
• Rromani as a home language,
• Rromani in present day society
• and Rromani as a language of debate and argumentation;
- a level devoted to Rromani culture and more specifically to six topics, namely
• Rromani literature, ड़ोमानी मौखिक और लिखित साहित्य
• history of the Rromani people, ड़ोम लोगों का इतिहास
• history of Rromani music, ड़ोमानी संगीत के इतिहास
• ethnology and traditions, मानव जाति विज्ञान और परंपराओं
• Rromani linguistics and grammar, ड़ोमानी भाषा विज्ञान और व्याकरण
• European communication.
The purpose of the culture part is definitely to provide you with reliable data in the concerned fields butr first of all to train you using Rromani as a language of elaborated and intellectual exchanges, beyond everyday home speech.
All students are invited to carefully go through the whole introduction in order to understand the functionning of the course.
What are a native speaker and a beginner ?
एक देशी वक्ता और एक शुरुआत के क्या हैं?
All Rromani native speakers know in average at least 300 to 400 words of Rromani. As a speaker of Hindi, you already know more words than that and also a good part of Rromani grammar, which is partly similar to Hindi grammar (for example in the expression of possession), so you cannot be considered as a real « beginner ». You just have to understand the correspondences between Hindi and Rromani.
Accordingly, the introduction provides you with:
- an explanation of the general functionning and philosophy of the project;
- an answer to the so-called dialect issues of the Rromani language;
- an introduction to reading and spelling in Rromani;
- a pre-course intended at bringing beginners to successfully make a start on the course.
R.E.D. RROM के साथ सीखने ड़ोमानी आपको ड़ोमानी भाषा और संस्कृति में एलएमडी लाइसेंस डिग्री लेने में सक्षम हो जाएगा (इस विकल्प की पेशकश करने वाले विश्वविद्यालयों के बारे में और जानकारी प्राप्त करें)