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The course is built up in three main parts:
- an introduction, for both native speakers and beginners;
- one course in Rromani language, made up of 35 units.
- a level devoted to Rromani culture and more specifically to six topics, namely:
• Rromani literature,
• history,
• historical chronology,
• history of Rromani music,
• ethnology,
• linguistics,
• teaching and European communication.
The purpose of the culture part is definitely to provide you with reliable data in the concerned fields but first of all to train you using Rromani as a language of elaborated and intellectual exchanges, beyond everyday home speech.
Both native speakers and beginners are invited to carefully go through the whole introduction.
What are a native speaker and a beginner ? All Rromani native speakers know in average at least 300 to 400 words of Rromani. Beginners are those lacking this knowledge.
Learning Rromani with R.E.D.-RROM will enable you to take the LMD licence degree in Rromani (find out more about the universities which offer this option).